10 Best Fruits For Skin Glow

Beautiful skin starts from within regardless of your favorite face cream or treatment. Glowing skin is skin that is clear without blemishes, moist and soft-not dull or dry.

Eating the correct balance of foods supply the vital nutrients that your skin needs to help it stay soft and blemish-free.

Here are essential fruits that will help your skin to glow.

1. Watermelon

Watermelon contains A and C which are important for skin and hair health. Vitamin C helps your body make collagen, a protein that keeps your skin supple and your hair strong. Vitamin A is also important for healthy skin since it helps create and repair skin cells.The vitamins A and C found in watermelon can also help to restore damaged skin after it’s exposed to sun, wind, or even stress.
Watermelon rich in anti-aging agents such as lycopene, which helps delay skin’s aging. According to health experts and nutritionists, you can eat between 100 to 150 grams of watermelon in a day.

2. Apples

Apple contains the flavonoid quercetin, which can help regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation. Apple’s antioxidant property prevents cell and tissue damage. Studies by nutritionists have shown that apples contain abundant amounts of rich in vitamins A, B complex and C, apple benefits your skin by helping get rid of pathogens and excess oil. On an average, you can have one to two apples in a day.

3. Grapes

Grapes are known to improve skin elasticity and improve blood circulation, which keeps skin looking healthy. Grapes contain collagen which is the support system of the skin. It relies on vitamin C as an essential nutrient, and works to help prevent skin damage caused by the sun rays. A bowl of grapes which consists of thirty to forty grapes is recommended on daily basis.

4. Oranges

Oranges are rich in vitamin C which help delay to improve your skin texture, giving you that plump and firm skin. For the skin, the natural oils contained in oranges help to moisturize it, making it soft and healthy. Antioxidants in oranges fight free radicals, helping to delay the appearance of wrinkles and premature ageing. Oranges high serum acid content helps prevent skin flaking and dries out acne. One per day is enough for you.

5. Papaya

Include papaya in your diet to eliminate pigmentation. Its skin lightening properties help clear away blemishes and acne scars.
Being a good source of vitamin A,C,E and Papain, it helps in removing dead skin cells from the skin when applied. Papaya is rich in several antioxidants, including lycopene, which can help reduce damage to the skin cells that are typically caused by free radicals.

6. Avocados

Packed with antioxidants and vitamins, this creamy fruit is known to greatly improve the look and feel of your hair and skin.
Regularly consuming avocados will make your skin feel really soft and supple to the touch. Additionally, brimming with vitamins A, D that makes your skin smooth and younger-looking.
The oleic acid (a healthy fat) in avocados, helps reduce inflammation, lowering redness and also fighting wrinkles. Watch the portion you eat everyday.

7. Guava

Guava is one of the richest sources of dietary fiber. · Besides immunity, and also promotes fertility. Vitamins and antioxidants packed into a guava may work wonders for your skin. Its antioxidants may protect your skin from damage, which can slow down its aging process, helping prevent wrinkles. 4-5 servings of this fruit is recommended.

8. Bananas

Rich in B vitamins, banana works as a powerful antioxidant that reduces signs of aging and keeps skin suppleSkin Moisturizer. Rich in potassium and moisture, it will hydrate and moisturizes dry skin, making it soft and supple. Nutrients like vitamin A, zinc, and manganese, which are anti-inflammatory. One to two bananas can be enough per day.

9. Apricots

Apricot fruit contain vitamins and also a good source of building collagen whose deficiency is the most significant cause of wrinkles. All the ingredients in apricot help the skin cells by bringing back the natural collagen and elastin. Three to four apricots a day can give you the vitamins that will make your skin to glow.

10. Lemons

Lemon contain some properties that are seemingly great for your skin, including alpha hydroxy acid. Lemons are also rich in vitamin C, citric acid and they help brighten and lighten your skin when used over time. Having the same juice of two lemon per day is enough to keep you hydrated.

All these qualities of fruits make them an ideal add-on in your diet to give your skin a healthy and and vibrant glow. Fruits are ready to offer your skin the solution to keep glowing everyday.

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